San Francisco Natual Wine Week will soon be upon us starting August 23, 2010. So it is time we examine what exactly "natural" wines are. Are these the wines of choice of insufferable San Francisco hipsters? Are they wines for those irreverent individuals who want to make a statement against "corporate wines" made for the masses? Well, blogger Lyle Fass(www.rockssandfruit.blogspot.com) has made this video to answer all of your questions. Listen in as the robotic hipster drones opine about sulpher and sulfites and natural yeasts. It's funny. And informative.
Here is the link for SF Natural Wine Week www.sfnaturalwineweek.wordpress.com
Participants include some of the best wineshops and restaurants in San Francisco. I personally will be attending the August 26th event at Terroir to meet Sicilian winemaker Ariana Occhipinti and taste her brilliant Nero D'Avolas and Frappatos.
And then there's that really fun music and wine pairing event at Heart Wine Bar on Friday, August 27th. Mad beats and natural wines, natural food and puppets. See all you f***ing hipsters there...
The natural wine movement has swept London but I'm not entirely convinced. Well there can be some very well made ones, I have also come across some truly horrible ones, so take them with a big pinch of salt and don't be afraid to point out when/if the emperor has no clothes....
Hey Sleuthy, I agree 100%. Just because it is considered a "natural wine" does not mean it is that good. However, I did taste some delicious wines from Sicily made by Ariana Occhipinti which were fabulous. More on them in a future post. Thanks for reading:)
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